Joint Partners’ Activities Quarter 2 Report (April to June, 2024)

The Joint Partners Team, comprising Women Lead Resource Center (WLRC), Magway Region Human Rights Network (MHRN), and Youth Empowerment (YE), made significant strides in Quarter 2 (April to June 2024) in its mission to uphold human rights, empower communities, and support Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the Mae Sot region. This quarter, we focused on a range of activities including capacity-building workshops, awareness campaigns, and humanitarian assistance. Key activities included the International Day of Mine Awareness Campaign, video editing and conflict awareness training by YE, and various awareness campaigns organized such as International Labor Day, World Refugee Day, and the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. 

We also provided crucial support to IDPs through food donations and discussions on income generation. The team engaged in extensive information sharing and advocacy, releasing monthly reports on human rights violations, gender-based violence, and other critical issues, and produced IEC materials such as video clips and pamphlets. Capacity-building efforts were marked by participation in various workshops and training sessions, including those on digital security and mobile reporting. Regular networking and advocacy meetings helped strengthen internal collaboration and partnerships with other organizations. Our comprehensive efforts have not only enhanced public awareness and advocacy for human rights but also provided much-needed support and stability to vulnerable populations. The detailed reports on human rights violations and other issues served as vital resources for policymakers and advocacy groups working towards addressing the crisis in Myanmar.
