Joint Partners’ Activities (Quarter 1) Report (January-March, 2024)

The Joint Partners’ Quarter (1) Brief Report for January-March 2024 highlights the collaborative achievements of Women Lead Resource Center (WLRC), Magway Region Human Rights Network (MHRN), and Youth Empowerment (YE). Together, we have made significant strides in advancing human rights, community empowerment, and digital security through a range of initiatives. Our efforts included conducting Civic and Conflict Awareness Sharing Ground Trainings, orchestrating strategic monthly partner networking meetings, and executing impactful Human Trafficking Campaigns. Additionally, we provided essential humanitarian aid such as food donations and digital security training across multiple batches, while also addressing pressing socio-political issues through our SAC Conscription Law and Jet Fuel ban campaigns. 

Our detailed bi-weekly and monthly reports on human rights violations, gender-based injustices, and protests have provided critical insights and bolstered our advocacy efforts. Through robust networking and collaboration, we have strengthened our partnerships and maximized our collective impact. Participation in workshops and events has further enhanced our advocacy and leadership capabilities. Our joint efforts have yielded profound and far-reaching impacts, reinforcing our commitment to justice, equality, and dignity for all in the face of challenging socio-political landscapes.
