Joint Partners’ Activities Monthly Report (May, 2024)

In May 2024, the Joint Partners—Women Lead Resource Center (WLRC), Magway Region Human Rights Network (MHRN), and Youth Empowerment (YE)—undertook a range of activities and released several reports. Key activities included conducting an online campaign for International Labour Day on May 3, on-ground human rights training by MHRN, and women’s legal awareness sharing by WLRC. Additionally, WLRC member joined bamboo art craft training, while YE attended various workshops such as Issara Training, Social Changemakers 101, and Unpacking Article 112. Advocacy meetings and network meetings with the present team were held, alongside meetings with local groups for indoor plant agriculture and IDPs inside Burma on agricultural issues. 

Partner meetings were conducted to plan for June, and monthly partner networking meetings were held, with minutes written and data entry and collection managed. Reports released included bi-weekly and monthly Human Rights Violations Reports, a Gender-Based Violations Report, a Protests Report, and other significant updates such as the Burning by the Military Council Report, political parties’ activities under the Military Council Report, and landmines and freedom of expression reports. Production of IEC materials such as video clips, pamphlets, and vinyls, and the writing of monthly program reports were also completed. Advocacy letters and memorial statements were issued addressing various concerns, including requests for action against Myanmar junta businesses, transparency issues, and appeals related to human rights and diplomatic matters. Detailed reports on some activities remain confidential due to security considerations.
